


Certified Energy Specialist Abbey Heenan from CoMark Energy Coop helps producers maintain their fuel tanks.


When 菅直人sas farmer Kip Smith learned the fuel injectors in his trusty 2005 Versatile four-wheel articulated tractor were bad, 他立刻知道了罪魁祸首:燃料中的水.

找到源头, he turned to Certified Energy Specialist Abbey Heenan from CoMark Energy Coop, which serves Two Rivers Cooperative based in Geuda Springs, 菅直人.

“Abbey pulled samples from our fuel tank and discovered water in the tank. She made sure the tank was cleaned and we knew how to prevent water from getting in again,史密斯说。. “我们的整个业务都是靠柴油发动机运行的. We have to make sure the fuel we’re using is the best and that it’s stored correctly.”

堪萨斯制作人凯尔, 左, and Kip Smith talk with Abbey Heenan about fuel tank options for their 4,000英亩的操作.


Make sure your fuel tank is working efficiently and you have enough fuel to power your operation with help from two programs.

Remembering to fill your bulk tank doesn’t need to be stressful with the Cenex Automated Fuel Delivery (AFD) system. An electronic fuel sensor on your tank signals when fuel drops below a predetermined level, automatically alerting your distribution center it’s time for a refill.

A variety of fuels can be delivered through the program, including Cenex® premium diesel fuel. Tank levels, fuel usage and deliveries can all be monitored online. 与每月定价选项, cost is set at the 30-day average price of fuel over the billing cycle, 帮助你免受市场波动的影响. The monitoring system calculates the amount of fuel used and only bills you for that amount.

如果更多的农场存储对你的运营有意义的话, 通过“便士存储”升级油箱尺寸, a lease-to- own bulk fuel storage program CHS officers to local cooperatives. 油箱的价格已经算在你的燃料费用里了, translating into full tank ownership in three to five years.

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除了清洗油箱, it was a good opportunity to evaluate storage on Smith Family Farms, 4,基普和他兄弟拥有一个占地五千英亩的皇冠hga010安卓二维码, 凯尔.

和希南一起工作, 史密斯测定了他们的小麦, 玉米, 大豆和高粱操作使用18种,000 gallons of Cenex® Ruby Fieldmaster® premium diesel fuel every year to power farm equipment. 这个体积表示它们的1,000-gallon tank was being filled multiple times a week during planting and harvest seasons. Right-sizing to a 2,000-gallon tank allowed the brothers to have more fuel at their disposal. “When we need to get to the field, we need to do it as soon as possible. 我们不能坐等加油,”史密斯说.

以减少燃料等待时间甚至更多, 兄弟俩用小一号,000-gallon fuel tank to hold Cenex Roadmaster XL® premium diesel fuel for their three semis and pickup trucks. Having the tank on-site saves hours of downtime by avoiding inconvenient trips to town.

“之前, 我们要花30分钟去城里给半挂车加满油, 这些必须在卡车装载之前完成,史密斯说。. 而不是在收获时面对沉重的负担, now the Smiths can fill up semis and trucks as needed with much less advance planning.


The brothers also ensure they have the fuel they need when they need it with the Cenex Automated Fuel Delivery (AFD) system. A tank sensor lets AFD systems know when the Ruby Fieldmaster tank is low and schedules a fuel delivery. “AFD让我们安心, 知道我们手边有所需的燃料, 即使在我们繁忙的季节,史密斯说。.

现在兄弟俩有两辆坦克了, they keep them as healthy as possible by changing the fuel filters every year and testing regularly for water in the tank. They also worked with Heenan to upgrade to faster pumps on both tanks. “We were pumping 5 gallons per minute; now it’s so much faster.”

The formula used in Cenex premium diesel fuels also helps manage the water in fuel. The demulsifier additive found in Ruby Fieldmaster and Roadmaster XL helps keep moisture from entering the fuel system by separating water from fuel and dropping the water to the bottom. This keeps moisture out of the combustion chamber and reduces filter plugging.

“Engine repair can cost upward of $50,000, plus downtime,史密斯说。. “我们不能让这种事发生, so we use a fuel with a complete additive package to protect our equipment.”


Poor bulk fuel tank maintenance can result in fuel that is polluted with dirt, 水和其他污染物. That can hurt equipment performance and lead to costly repairs. Here’s how to keep your tank healthy so your fuel performs at its best.
